This was the actual lighthouse I was trying to photograph... a breathtaking view- but not for the weak kneed or clumsy.

I play around with being an amateur (very amateur) photographer at times.  I own a digital SLR but with advances in technology have started to use my phone more and more.  With that said… Yes, I did visit a lighthouse (near a geocache) while in Maine and you just won’t believe how slippery rocks are when they covered in algae in seaweed.  I guess I should have listened when the folks around me commented “Boy! These rocks are slippery!”

Today does mark the start of year four for My Geek Odyssey.  I really do appreciate those people who have stuck with me as I still learn how to create a webcomic.  While it is something I have always wanted to do, even after three years I am still learning, then again I’ve been teaching for over 20 years and I’m still learning so maybe I’m just a life long student.

The Perfect Shot…

This was the actual lighthouse I was trying to photograph... a breathtaking view- but not for the weak kneed or clumsy.
I play around with being an amateur (very amateur) photographer at times.  I own a digital SLR but with advances in technology have started to use my phone more and more.  With that said... Yes, I did visit a lighthouse (near a geocache) while in Maine and you just won't believe how slippery rocks are when they covered in algae in seaweed.  I guess I should have listened when the folks around me commented "Boy! These rocks are slippery!" Today does mark the start of year four for My Geek Odyssey.  I really do appreciate those people who have stuck with me as I still learn how to create a webcomic.  While it is something I have always wanted to do, even after three years I am still learning, then again I've been teaching for over 20 years and I'm still learning so maybe I'm just a life long student.

One thought on “The Perfect Shot…

  1. Congratulations on the milestone. I keep coming back!

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