So how has Hemi reacted to Miss. Chloe Anne’s arrival?  He’s pretty much ignored her, except for those times when she has hissed at him.  In that case he avoids her.  Recently Chloe Anne has taken to sleeping on our bed (Hemi’s usual spot).  The poor guy started sleeping at the foot of the bed, and now he just jumps up, climbs on my chest purrs and falls asleep, so I end up with one cat around my face and the other around my feet.

The thing you have to understand about Hemi is he is almost always near us.  Right now he’s curled up on the floor of my studio.  If I were to move, he’d get up and follow me. He’s that kind of cat.  Chloe Anne?  at this moment- not so much, and she might never bond with either of us… and definitely not Cecil.  We will be taking her back to the Humane Society next week since we will be going on vacation.  She is a sweet little cat in need of so much.

Wait… we have another cat?!?

So how has Hemi reacted to Miss. Chloe Anne's arrival?  He's pretty much ignored her, except for those times when she has hissed at him.  In that case he avoids her.  Recently Chloe Anne has taken to sleeping on our bed (Hemi's usual spot).  The poor guy started sleeping at the foot of the bed, and now he just jumps up, climbs on my chest purrs and falls asleep, so I end up with one cat around my face and the other around my feet. The thing you have to understand about Hemi is he is almost always near us.  Right now he's curled up on the floor of my studio.  If I were to move, he'd get up and follow me. He's that kind of cat.  Chloe Anne?  at this moment- not so much, and she might never bond with either of us... and definitely not Cecil.  We will be taking her back to the Humane Society next week since we will be going on vacation.  She is a sweet little cat in need of so much.

One thought on “Wait… we have another cat?!?

  1. Poor thing. You guys did your best and hopefully Chloe Anne will (eventually) find a home where she’ll be spoiled rotten. 🙂

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