I do appreciate everyone who was waiting patiently for this “hiatus” to finish.  I’m still working on getting back into story telling mode so I’m hoping to be able to get some things together to start developing a couple arcs. this means I’m not sure how regular I’ll be, but just because I don’t post doesn’t mean I have stuck my head in the oven (have no fear, my house is completely electric). I’m still considering some more changes so I hope you don’t mind some experimenting as I work through the last grading period.  While I am gaining a lot of material for the future I promised myself (and my team of lawyers-aka Nancy) not to post anything about my classroom until the students are long gone- so wait for sometime around 2014 and I might be able to share a regular day.

With all that said Today’s Comic is based on reality, Cecil did end up posting something that caused some issues.  As far as he was concerned the post dealt with the issue that parents need to take responsibility for their children in public places (like restaurants).  He was attacked by many angry parents who, as far as he could tell, could only come up with excuses why their child should be allowed to act like a “goofball”  and they should be allowed to ignore them. What made me go “huh?” was the people who actually commented on the post were all basically wondering the same thing… on Facebook the posts were very negative including threatening comments including a “Let’s fry the monkey.”  If any of those people would like to add a comment to Cecil’s post explaining why polite society should be put on hold for their child, I welcome their viewpoint, but I just don’t understand.

I’m going to work on getting back on track, if that track is two days a week of three days week… only time will tell- so stay tuned!

Was it something I said?

I do appreciate everyone who was waiting patiently for this "hiatus" to finish.  I'm still working on getting back into story telling mode so I'm hoping to be able to get some things together to start developing a couple arcs. this means I'm not sure how regular I'll be, but just because I don't post doesn't mean I have stuck my head in the oven (have no fear, my house is completely electric). I'm still considering some more changes so I hope you don't mind some experimenting as I work through the last grading period.  While I am gaining a lot of material for the future I promised myself (and my team of lawyers-aka Nancy) not to post anything about my classroom until the students are long gone- so wait for sometime around 2014 and I might be able to share a regular day. With all that said Today's Comic is based on reality, Cecil did end up posting something that caused some issues.  As far as he was concerned the post dealt with the issue that parents need to take responsibility for their children in public places (like restaurants).  He was attacked by many angry parents who, as far as he could tell, could only come up with excuses why their child should be allowed to act like a "goofball"  and they should be allowed to ignore them. What made me go "huh?" was the people who actually commented on the post were all basically wondering the same thing... on Facebook the posts were very negative including threatening comments including a "Let's fry the monkey."  If any of those people would like to add a comment to Cecil's post explaining why polite society should be put on hold for their child, I welcome their viewpoint, but I just don't understand. I'm going to work on getting back on track, if that track is two days a week of three days week... only time will tell- so stay tuned!

4 thoughts on “Was it something I said?

  1. Protect the monkey at all costs! Seriously though, I understand and support your meaning, and your sense of humor. I hope to see you soon at a local event, any local event!

  2. …even an event that MAY not be GC related. 😉 Brew pub, anyone?

  3. I can only echo your thought of not understanding. I applaud you for surfacing such a delicate issue. And (mrs.) lakedawgs…when and where?

  4. Welcome back Brucil. Cruce?
    Mankey? Monan?

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