So after a few years (Yes, the strip might return to Indian Head Country Club sometime, but not soon) things got in the way and actually at the end of 2008 we left the country club set.  (Silly to pay for a country club when I was going to be out of the country for a large portion of premium golf time- that and I stopped playing golf there- got tired of wearing the silly hat) It was one of those things-  Sue still loves golf, but doesn’t play that often (work, geocaching, FarmVille).  The joy found in playing golf on the Wii (even the simple Wii Sports version) at least makes golf a bit more accessible to me (and no silly hat).  Oh, and I don’t have to worry about a caddie or a monthly minimum  🙂  Although Cecil tends to give me club advice and expects compensation.

As for playing real golf… I still enjoy it and will get out once in a blue moon with my in-laws and play.  There are some nice public courses in the area so if we get the itch we can head out and play for a lot cheaper than what we spent at a the Country Club.

Wii Love Golf!

So after a few years (Yes, the strip might return to Indian Head Country Club sometime, but not soon) things got in the way and actually at the end of 2008 we left the country club set.  (Silly to pay for a country club when I was going to be out of the country for a large portion of premium golf time- that and I stopped playing golf there- got tired of wearing the silly hat) It was one of those things-  Sue still loves golf, but doesn't play that often (work, geocaching, FarmVille).  The joy found in playing golf on the Wii (even the simple Wii Sports version) at least makes golf a bit more accessible to me (and no silly hat).  Oh, and I don't have to worry about a caddie or a monthly minimum  :)  Although Cecil tends to give me club advice and expects compensation. As for playing real golf... I still enjoy it and will get out once in a blue moon with my in-laws and play.  There are some nice public courses in the area so if we get the itch we can head out and play for a lot cheaper than what we spent at a the Country Club.

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